My 1LIFE List

Welcome to my ever-growing 1LIFE list!

Like a bucket list, except you actually do them.

Here is to shattering all of my limiting beliefs and challenging myself to grow :)

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it.” – Johann Wolfgang Vong Goethe


  • Do Misogi each year until Death

2023- 50k Ultra Spartan Obstacle Race (October 21st, 2023) FAILED

  • $1 Million Net Worth 
  • Personal Trainer Certification
  • Nutrition Certification 
  • Host a 1LIFE Meet-Up
  • Host a 1LIFE Retreat
  • Raise $25k For a Cause
  • Deliver a Keynote Speech



  • Travel to all 50 States (27/50)
  • Visit all 63 National Parks (5/63)
  • Visit all 7 Continents (1/7)
  • Ride in a Plane (September 4th, 2020)
  • Book a Flight to Europe
  • Visit Another Country
  • Live out of a Car for 7 Days (August 11th, 2021)
  • Live for 30 Days on the Road
  • Travel for 1 Year Straight
  • Live in a Another State
  • Live in Another Country for 30 Days
  • Climb a Mountain (August 7th, 2021)
  • Climb a 14er (August 14th, 2021)
  • Climb a Volcano
  • Play Travel Roulette 
  • Hike to Mt. Everest Base Camp
  • Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro 


  • Learn Spanish
  • Learn an Instrument
  • Record a Song
  • Publish a Book
  • Learn to Fly a Plane
  • Learn to Scuba Dive
  • Audition for a Movie


  • Launch A Brand (October 15th, 2023)
  • Launch A Product
  • Launch a Podcast
  • Make a Full Time Living Online



  • Go Skydiving
  • Go Parasailing
  • Attend a Darkness Retreat
  • Grow Socials to 100k+ collectively
  • Grow 1LIFE online community to 100 members
  • Fly a Plane (Sept 9th, 2023)
  • Go Surfing (March 8th, 2024)
  • Drive a Tesla
  • Drive a Corvette
  • Drive a Ferrari
  • Drive a Lamborghini 
  • Drive a G-Wagon


 *If you, your business or brand are interested in helping me make one or any of these things a reality, lets connect.