Your Story is Still Being Written
Feel down and out?
Like you’re checked out… subbed out of the game.
Just watching from the sidelines.
If we are being honest, this was never the reality you envisioned.
It sucks, doesn’t it?
You expected more. You wanted more.
And just like that… you went from player to spectator.
But that ain’t true. That ain't you.
This isn’t the END of your story.
This is only the BEGINNING.
It’s time to get off the bench and SUB YOURSELF BACK IN.
It’s time to go from the benchwarmer to the damn STAR PLAYER.
It's likely you’re going to get some cuts and bruises. Maybe chip a tooth.
But you have a game to play!!
The game of LIFE.
And YOU. You have a lot of life in you. A lot of life yet to give.
It ain't over 'til it's over.
Don’t close the book on yourself.
Your story is STILL being written.
With reflection,