If We Don't Choose To Live Then We Must Be..

If We Don't Choose To Live Then We Must Be..

Over a long enough timeline, everyone’s survival rate drops to ZERO.

Well, of course.

I am going to DIE.

Which poses the question...

Will I ever allow myself to live?


This reminds me of a particular scene from the movie Fight Club...

A man enters a convenience store and takes a worker named Raymond out back  and then puts a gun to his head...

The man tells Raymond...YOU ARE GOING TO DIE. 

He then takes out Raymond’s wallet and pulls out a driver's license and an expired community college ID...

What did you study? Stuff... Biology mostly...

WHY? Idk…………...

What did you want to be Raymond K. Hessel?

*Pulls hammer back*

 A veterinarian. However, it's too... TOO much school...

Would you rather be dead? Would you rather DIE?

I now know where you live... 

If you aren’t on your way to becoming a veterinarian in 6 weeks, I will kill you.

The catch?

There were never any bullets in the gun and the death he was initially referring to wasn’t the ending of an organism. It is the death we slowly creep into each day we choose to live unauthentically.

Is that an extreme example? Sure.

But why aren’t we chasing our dreams like there is a metaphoric gun to our heads?

Because there is.

And there is no escaping it.

What are some things you are being called to do before it’s too late?

How ought you live to get the absolute most out of life?

Don’t give up on yourself.

Not you.


Not this year.

I dare you to take a chance on yourself.

If you have air in your lungs, it isn’t too late to create a different reality for yourself.


Stay resilient, 


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